
Saturday, July 30, 2011

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.

I have a week left before i leave for college . I am super excited but i have come to notice that i have become very jobless . All my friends already got into colleges in the city and i am going to a completely different state . 
You know what they say , ' An idle mind is a devils workshop' . 
I have nothing better to do so i end up doing some really stupid things . 
Like contacting my ex . 
Advice for people who have had their hearts broken ( getting in contact BAD BAD BAD idea ) . And soon enough i pissed him off and a couple of other friends off because i need mellow drama in my life :-| . 
Its not my fault i had to go flaunt my opinions about the break up and life in general to people who dont give a shit about me . Okay maybe it is ...but that is not the point ! 
I felt bad they didn't agree with me . I
 felt bad because they started bitching about me . 
I started to breed in my sadness because no body wanted to be my friend .....or at least people who despise me didn't want to be my friend :P . 
I started to obsess over these weird  unnecessary things that at the time felt 'oh so very important' . 

So , thats when life hit me with this wonderful quote ; I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet. 

why do we always sit and cover ...no wait BURRY ourselves with sooo much drama . 
Is my ex really worth it ? are my "friends" who have nothing nice to say about me really worth it ? 
I visited an animal shelter two days ago and when i saw the look in those lovely creatures ( dogs , cats, horses ...etc ) all i could think about was 'your existence is equally worth mine and yet human beings mistreat you in the most cruelest of ways '. 
I worry about what some random people think about me , waste hours and hours in a day thinking about what he said she said when there is some random creep out there chucking a stone at some dogs eye .

My point is life is this huge ball of many things . Its just that we focus all our thoughts and our energy on something that is so insignificant that we forget to look at the bigger picture . Forget to focus on what really matters . 
We worry about our hair , our make up , our friends , our exes ..but things that matter are gone un noticed . 

I feel stupid i wasted all my time on these silly pointless thoughts. 
Hurts , yes, but i cant control what others think . I can only control my feelings. 
And my feelings right now are telling me to go down to that shelter and play and help out those beautiful dogs . At least i am giving and receiving happiness this way .

All this may sound soo preachy ....but if you think about it...its true . If you admit it , then good for you :) 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Summer. Internship?

Well i screwed up my exams pretty badly. And thanks to the results got the BIGGEST reality check of my life . So yeah i pretty much learned my lesson. :|
In other news . 11th grade is over and i have exactly a month until summer break starts here. So i need to plan . Last summer was all about "friends" .you can tell by the quotes that it not work out.
so this time i am going to engage myself in something that is not quite dependent on ...well friends ! =P

So yeah . For sure i am going to join Dance classes . I got called for an audition last week . It was to join this really posh troupe in SDIPA called the SPB ( Special Potential Batch) and well...it bombed. i messed up . BIG TIME . so i don't think i can make the cut for this round. guess I'll just have to try out after 6 months again. so will work hard !!! so yeah i am going to join dance . I also have to study . yes i know summer....but still this is the year i have to prep for my 12th Boards . these will be the BIGGEST and most HYPED examination of my entire schooling life. With this exam , i finally end school. Its like 'SAT's' of India. Which also reminds me i will also be taking SAT coaching .well that covers the studying aspect of my vacation. I will also look for a summer job or an internship . Something maybe in event management or journalism . So also finding info about that .that will be lotta fun :) And I'll probably start my piano classes again. Finish up one more level :)
well yeah this is whats going to keep me pretty covers my entire vacation.

Short post i know :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Very Very Let Down :'(

Percy Jackson and the Olympians. My favorite book/series of all time. I literally fell in LOVE with the characters and I practically grew up with the book!
Book stars out with Percy being 12, and I was 12 when i started reading it. Its book 5 and Percy's 16 and so am I! =D (no its not lame that i calculated our ages together ....). I love it.
Last year around June, when I was aimlessly browsing the net like a million other teenagers I happen to fall up on the very first preview of the movie ! and i was like " ITS HERE ITS HERE ITS HERE " ]
Ahh Logan Lerman , you made my day .
The movie is supposed to release tomorrow. But get this NOT 1 theatre in my region is playing it. Stupid Telangana and KCR riots! DUDE WE ODNT WANT A SEPARATE STATE! WE JUST WANT OT WATCH PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS!
Great. My hopes of the whole "first day first show" experience has been washed away thanks the raining (reigning) student riots in the city.
Aw man... I was really looking forward to this..! Well...guess i have to indulge in piracy now ... Cuz there no way I am gonna be able to contain myself any longer!!!

(Oh if anyone does happen to see it... reviews PLEASE! ) <3

Thats the book , and here's the movie :

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Annual Day 2010 \m/

Yesterday was probably one of the best days ever !!! Had my school Annual Day and we did a play / musical . LOL can you believe the school shelled out 5 lakhs ..which is about 18,000 USD . Crazy na !?! for a school event !!!! . But it was pretty grand . 300 of us dressed up like medieval kings , queens , minsters , commoners , hunters , soldiers , dancers , bow and arrow men , swordsmen etc etc...and not to forget animals as well. We re-enacted 'Chitraghana' written by the famous literary maestro Rabindranath Tagore ( also the poet of our National Anthem ) . We did it old school . and was it grand!!!! we even got stunt people to work with us and one of the characters had to descend from the 4 th floor of our school building ( he was suppose to be Madana..A God) .

heres the pic :

Anyways the whole thing was a grand success . We pretty much went all out even though it was just a school local annual day . But what i liked best was after the play . I MET ALL MY OLD FRIENDS and it was like a mini reunion . Every one turned up . I was like..beyond happy to see them .

This is just one of my closest gangs :

To the complete left is Nithin , he was the school head boy /prefect . Next to him is Raghav , he was the topper of my batch ( scored an overall of 96% in his boards...which is pretty awesome ) , Next to him is Jai , one of the smartest and most hilarious dudes i have ever met in my life , Then i am the one with my one leg up and i too was teh school head prefect along with Nithin , Next to me is Krutika , an angel of a friend! and next to her in the magenta shirt is Darshika , My bestest friend in the whole wide world ! and the guy next to her is Anudeep , gr8 guy very loyal and fun to hang out with .

And here's another :

loll the one in the goofy costume is Prathik , hell of a funny guy ...next to him @ the back is Sharath , a pain in the behind , in front of him is Appy , i am standing to her left , Sanju the one in pink ad black and the short girl is priyal .

Loll u can imagine....how many pics i took yesterday !!!
But all said and done , i had a fabulous time .
But then again all good things come to an end.... FINALS are in like 2 weeks and still haven't got my game on!!!
Anyways we have full day school from tomorrow , i don't have a choice but to study !! :(
Wish me LuCK !

Friday, February 5, 2010

I am a sucker for dance . I will do anything for it . Suppose you lose all your friends and all your loved ones ( as in they didn't care about you anymore ) yet you still had that one passion in you and its enough to kind of compensate the lack of Love...well that 'it' is dance for me . Yesterday was probably the most AWESOMEST ( if that's even a word) day ever . I joined SDIPA . its a dance institute. Great place. There is TV show here called DPL as in Dance Premiere League and one of the winners actually came down yesterday and gave us a special class in Hip Hop. Popping , locking Oh My Dear God i cannot get enough of it . We are ,as of now ,performing on the song 'Tambourine' by Eve . I have to say in the field of dance, my passion lies in Hip Hop . I really really thank God for this opportunity to work with such an awesome choreographer .=D
Okay gotta go practice . <3>
Short post but totally worth it!!!

here is the link to his fan page on FB...upcoming guy !!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thank you for compensating Mr.everyday-fate-setter...or God?!

I had a pretty worthless day ( which does not include the evening) . It was pathetic. Yesterday one of my classmate and some guy in our school officially started going out. I was absent yesterday . (Wasn't well so mom said i could stay back) . Anyways yesterday they officially got together but they didn't want a lot of people to know because the guy's rep was at stake...or something like that . So more than being excited about the relationship Sanjana ( the girl..) was more obsessed about ME not getting to know. Okay i have known Sanjana for what 7 months now and who is she ...no seriously who is she to judge my character .?! I BARELY KNOW THE GIRL!!!! okay fine so she did .People have opinions , cool.I'm okay with it.Understandable. And no problem that she went and told Simran ( her new boyfriend) about me being a very 'gossip-ish' person .But what ticked me off was the way people just kept coming up to me and telling me " Arya ! how did you get to know?! " "you were NOT suppose to know " " now we're screwed 'cuz Arya knows" .... DUDE i have been ... wait i AM of the oldest students of my school . i am grounded in my roots . I was elected 'School Captain' for 2 years straight ! doesn't that say anything about my character? . No really , i really wonder how people per sieve me ?!!! If they were talking behind my back , i couldn't care less. What i don't know wont hurt me. But TO MY FACE hearing it from people who i thought trusted me and vice verse really upset me. You know every night i can confidently close my eyes and confess to God that i have been good and i have not done anything in my power to hurt anyone.OKay a few jokes here and there but who doesn't right? When you hurt someone you end up having this guilty feeling built up inside you and you can feel it even when you deny the truth. But i sleep every night confident that i haven't done wrong or at least not intentionally. People i knew for years together ,came up to me and said stuff that really hurt me. Especially when they hear it from someone who has been around for what ? a few months?! ....

Lunch was even more pathetic. I was standing outside alone , having a little 'me' time because i was too disturbed with the days events . Anish ( another classmate) joined me and started a conversation and out of the blue asked me about my ex . Okay he didn't know better so i politely asked him to change the topic because i was really uncomfortable talking about my ex. But he just refused to . I could have just walked away and eventually i did . But i stayed there long enough to get myself hurt . My feelings were all hurt.

People don't take me seriously and all i do is be genuine to them . By the time i got home i wished that it was invisible.

Around 4.30 pm i left for extra classes as my exams are fast approaching. I was going in an auto .
For those of you who don't know what an auto is :-

yeah we use it to travel around the city as its cheaper ( sort of like a mini taxi ) and more convenient while traveling through narrow roads .

yeah so i was going in an auto to class while i was passing my old friends college and i happen to see them . LOL and i ended up screaming out to them , making a dozen turns head. It had been over 2 months since i had seen these guys and I WAS SOO HAPPY .
i stopped the auto . Paid the guy . and RAN ...moreover SPRINTED to my friends . hugs and hgs later. I decided to bunk/cut class. (I'll make up for it tomorrow) and we ended up eating at this cute bakery called 'Alma's' . I missed them and in a long time i felt like me again. Laughing , eating and cracking up for the silliest things. Life has become so weird without them around . I mean we guys have been in the same class since what, 7 years? and suddenly we're like ALL APART. Can't help it though !. I had a lot of fun and come to think of it , the lousy morning seems to be nothing but a DOT in front the fun i had catching up with my old friends.
I felt good. really really good.
and the best part is , this Saturday is the school Annual Day . So the entire Alumni batch is coming back for a little re-union. I can't believe i get to see my whole batch again .
So i thank God because every time i have a rotten day... he always knows how to compensate it so that i know that little things like 'gossip' or 'useless opinions' are NOTHING compared to being with someone who knows who you really are . I think i needed that . Being stuck at a place where everyone has their own agenda , i needed a lil' pep talk from peopel who really matter to me <3

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ideas are funny little things.They dont work unless you do.

Intriguing right?!

That was one my batch mate's status on face book. It kind of got me thinking. Its so true !!! Let me give a little example of my own. People here are really getting the hang of playing musical instruments . Like five years ago , this sort of thing wasn't really popular (or at least i never noticed back then ) . But now , every other person i know is learning some instrument or the other which inevitably leads to the fact that now every teenager wants to start their own band . I , despite knowing how to play the piano , am really more into Dance . Oh! How i LOVE DANCE and its not just the " put the music on and shake a leg " kind of a dance ... its more of the " AAH ! i so wanna be on SYTYCD because i totally have the talent for it " kind of dance . So, while every body wants to start their own band , i want to start a hip hop troupe. Dorky?! :) Its just an idea . And i have been siting on this idea like a hen with a cold butt not warming the egg(idea) enough to hatch (although i don't think that's how it works!) . I talk a lot . Dream pretty Big . But end up ( I've noticed now!) doing absolutely nothing about it! I don't want to be like that anymore . So you know what i did? ENROLLED in this program/class that specifically does teach 5 styles of dance per batch . Let me try it out! and maybe I'll make friends or meet people that might be interested in the whole "starting a troupe " thing. And even if that doesn't work out i am going to search search and search till i cant search no-more because Rishi's ( batch mate ) was right! Ideas are funny little things. They don't work unless you don't work!!!


Wow...long way before i can do that ;) Can't wait! =)